Do Police Officers Need Their Firearms?
Published: Jan 02 2021
Join us for Episode 2 of BCS Podcasts where we discuss whether police officers need their firearms. This episode is based on research obtained in relation to Brattleboro Common Sense’s S.A.F.E. Policing Proposal, a project that advocates for ending the routine equipment of officers with firearms that are performing regular foot patrols. In this episode, we discuss the role and impact of firearms on police officers, civilians, and communities, as well as what policing looks like in places where officers do not routinely carry firearms.
A Closer Look: Do the Rich Move When Their Taxes Are Raised?
Published: Dec 16 2020
Episode 1 is hosted by BCS researchers Adam Marchesseault and Hannah Van Dusen, where they examine the question “Do the rich move when their taxes are raised?” This question is closely tied with BCS’s W.S.T. project, which proposes a 3% tax on “1%-er” income in Vermont (i.e. income a 1% tax on income over $319,000 per year), as well as a 1% tax on investible assets over $5 million (i.e. income a 1% tax on income over $319,000 per year). If you’re interested in learning more about the project visit our website at brattleborocommonsense.org. Otherwise, tune in to hear us debunk the myth that the rich move when their taxes are raised. Be sure to join us in two weeks when we discuss whether police officers really need their firearms.
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