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   Brattleboro Common Sense - Providing Local Solutions to global problems

Climate Crisis not Christmas Crisis


The selectboard should start a climate emergency fund, as BCS proposed to the board in September. I noticed this struck a chord with Tim Wessel. The board should also endorse the Student Survival Resolution which is on the agenda of the district school directors next Tuesday (October 12, 2021). It requires a plan-based diet for the schools. It also provides one day of climate self-training for faculty and monthly climate days for students to focus entirely on climate. That helps students and teachers, but how can parents and families discuss the climate crisis together? — something we all would want, but who has the time?

BCS will propose to the school directors that Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations be renamed Climate Vacations and devoted not to shopping, but to sharing – sharing real concerns about the climate with loved ones, and arrange guidance through the parent-teacher associations. Call it SHARING not SHOPPING. Isn’t that more what the holidays are supposed to be? This proposal SAVES money, it saves shopping stress and pollution from extra merchandise, and most importantly it saves time so you can get real about the absolutely most important thing in the world with the absolutely most important people in your world. It could be the way for our whole country to get real about the crisis. Would you like to help?

Selectboard meeting October 5 6:15PM link:
Passcode 12261753

The school directors meeting is not posted yet as of today, October 4.

love and rage,

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