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   Brattleboro Common Sense - Providing Local Solutions to global problems

Suggestions vs Actions

I like the KINDS of suggestion I saw today on another website. Mostly people are posting the mild green chores like recycling and green bicycles. This commenter suggested making the planet a priority and consuming less. I’m pretty sure the planet will survive, but her suggestions show she was thinking big. Recycling and bicycling are little changes. When you take all the little changes that people individually can do, they add up to little change. It takes too much time to add up all those little things, and we don’t have time, and the ambitious ones are more easily said than done. I believe, there is no simple list of things “anyone can do” to make a difference. We need radical action to prevent the worst.

Think how government is like parents: government control the world for people, as parents control the lives of children. When a child wants something desperately and is endlessly frustrated by the parents, what can a child do in desperation?

I think we need to act in desperation, maybe to scream our heads off just to clear our minds. Then we may be able to see what is needed. This might be the honest recognition of Climate Emergency. The scientific reports may spell doom, but they’re too cool for truth.


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