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VT House Approves Youth Voting in Brattleboro Elections

VT State Rep Emilie Kornheiser has told me that the BCS Youth Vote Amendment was approved by the Vermont House of Representatives on Friday (April 30). But, DAMN! It doesn’t go into effect until the Senate and Governor Scott approve it. I spoke with the governor last year. Like Emilie he favors the amendment for addressing the issue of Youth Drain out of the state. Emilie has been our champion for this amendment in the House.

Below excerpt is from article: Leonine: One step closer

“After vigorous debate, a failed attempt to recommit the bill to committee and a 102-42 party line roll call vote, the House approved H.361, which allows youth voting in local elections in Brattleboro. Specifically, the bill amends the Town of Brattleboro’s charter to allow 16 and 17 year old youths (and early voting 15 year old youths if they will be 16 by election day) to vote for candidates for Brattleboro’s Selectboard and representatives in Brattleboro’s unique form of town meeting where three people represent sets of 180 voters at town meeting. The debate featured interesting discussions of child psychology and citizen engagement in the electoral process.”

The reporter got some details wrong. The legislation is unique in allowing young people to serve as Town Meeting Representatives and as school directors. The school director provision was removed because of complications with the new school districts.

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